Sunday, June 7, 2009



Thoughts carry no meaning

in and of themselves.....

beliefs, ideals, rules, laws

are simply thoughts you

as a collective

have applied meaning and value to...

choosing to place them on a pedestal to be revered...


you gain a perspective on how

you create the world you experience,

if you can consider the possibility

of the following thought...

Dear one, it is YOU who create meaning...

it is YOU who create value

applying these to whatever you choose.

IF... all events are neutral...

please consider this possibility...

IF all events are neutral...

then it is YOU and YOU ALONE

who creates the experiences

that come to you as

people, places, things, times and events....

Can you imagine withdrawing all meaning/value

from what you ‘see’ for even a moment?

Can you look at something and NOT

interpret what it means?

What happens to the picture before you

when you do that?

Dear one, as you release yourself

from the ‘idea bondage’ of value,

can you see how you free yourself

from judgment and attachment

to any and all you encounter?

If we consider the terms,

“old now” “new now,”

then we see that the first

holds you bound to the idea

of meaning and value for all you see.

The second frees you to allow all as it is...

devoid of any meaning or value interpretation.

This shift to perfect allowance

allows you to bring love

to every moment.

Extend only love always

and you are present

to every person, place and thing.

Extend only love always

and you function from unified essence.

Extend only love always

and you are one with the Father.

Moving to neutrality

is not a passive act

but rather,

it is an imperative step

to dissolving the illusion

that has gripped your mind

for so long

Moving to neutrality

allows you to experience

a new now

in coming Home to Love


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