Sunday, June 7, 2009

Bad News, Pain and Disease

Bad News, Pain and Disease

even in the 'bad' news
the pain
the disease
a simple blessing will suffice
to allow the truth behind
these masks of unreality
to filter thru and brighten up
the life that's living you
now nothing but a simple 'thanks'
is the only response for all you see
to allow the beauty that is you
to thank the beauty that is YOU!


Pray without ceasing.

“God, you don’t mean… you mean I don’t get any relief from praying?”

Well, if you stop thinking of prayer as a petition and asking of God for a favor and you see prayer as an act of glorifying God, now why would you want relief from being in an active state of conscious appreciation? Because that’s what glorifying God is. When you look at your neighbor or your mate or the flowers in your garden or the sky or the stars and you are filled with awe and gratitude, that's’ prayer.

And everyone has for the most part, forgotten how to do that. You watch the news too much. What I mean is you watch the news and you don’t realize the degree to which they are providing you with the definitions of what’s going on in your community. You say, “that’s pretty bad,” and you forget to look with appreciation. And when appreciation sinks out of sight then you look with fear. And you don’t know if you want to get on the elevator with “them!” And Carl Saggin has told you that the world is indeed, with all of his degrees and intelligence and so on, has told you that the world is just a physical event, a fluke. So what is there to glory in? You see? And so you stop, you forget to glorify God. You forget to engage in active appreciation.

The reason you do is because you have accepted certain definitions. And the one definition that has been totally abandoned is that this is the Kingdom of Heaven and everything that exists is the direct and current expression of a living God that is pure Love, and therefore the nature of all that He is being is utter and pure harmony. Such harmony that you will find when you are Awake you will be able to hear the beauty—you will be able to hear the beauty. And what you hear will be beautiful.

Now, I’ve said before that Love is the willingness to recognize that which is Real in each and every thing. That’s prayer. Prayer is the willingness to recognize that which is Real, divinely Real in each and everything. So, praying without ceasing would be to have the experience of seeing that which is Real in each and everything unceasingly. Do you have another preference? I’m not asking you specifically.

It’s not only your Birthright not to be experiencing aches and pains or fear or terminal disease, it’s your Birthright to be experiencing what is really there where the pain seems to be aggressively present, not only to see what is really there but to hear its beauty.

~excerpt from Gathering with Raj/Jesus, Yucaipa, 1996

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