Tuesday, June 30, 2009

And Now the Time Has Come

And Now the Time Has Come

once the unlearning is complete
loving what is left as but me
now allowing me to be
as i am
turning all 'not me'
to spam
discarded into my
psychic trash can


"No one who understands what you have learned, how carefully you learned it,
and the pains to which you went to practice and repeat the lessons
endlessly, in every form you could conceive of them, could ever doubt the
power of your learning skill. There is no greater power in the world. The
world was made by it, and even now depends on nothing else. The lessons you
have taught yourself have been so overlearned and fixed they rise like heavy
curtains to obscure the simple and the obvious. Say not you cannot learn
them. For your power to learn is strong enough to teach you that your will
is not your own, your thoughts do not belong to you, and even you are
someone else." (T-31.I.3)


that is not me...
to love without judgment
to love without boundaries
all of me
is my NEW NOW
embracing all of me
is loving me...

The Holy Instant of Death

The Holy Instant of Death

i feel a wholiness in apparent death
this instant felt
as the mother
of my six children
and Michael Jackson have
witnessed death to me this day as
the joy they came
to the illusion to express

appreciation and thanks
is called forth
for their demonstration of love
surrounding their apparent death

sadness is but a foolish attempt
to deny the wholeness of life
living thru each of us
and eternally whole and complete

in the 'new now'
this expression of love,
that is the life lived by all,
is only celebrated as a gift to all
only the holiness to be viewed
only the wholeness to be experienced
only thankfulness to be felt


"The experience of an instant, however compelling it may be, is easily
forgotten if you allow time to close over it. It must be kept shining and
gracious in your awareness of time, but not concealed within it. The instant
remains. But where are you? To give thanks to your brother is to appreciate
the holy instant, and thus enable its results to be accepted and shared. To
attack your brother is not to lose the instant, but to make it powerless in
its effects." (T-17.V.12)

there is only life...
death is a label we have given
to what is truly life (love)
there is only the eternal experience
within the kingdom...
the soul blending and dissolving
into more and more
of its true desire...
to be one with ABBA
in all things...
to co create experience
"in love "
this body is a temporary vehicle
thru which love itself can be
extended into this temporary thought...
love recognizing itself
within all things
thus dissolving the energies
that have allowed love itself
to be "stuck" within me....
love is expansion...
i expand as i love all things...
knowing all is me
this i do eternally
whether i find myself in a body
or not
i am simply the essence of
love's totality
expanding my Self
wherever i find myself to be...

Saturday, June 27, 2009

One Voice

One Voice

the time for singing has arrived
singing as one voice
beautiful to hear
delightful to join
in sweet sounds of joy


time for other foolish games
of separation is past
we sing and sing and sing
and smile all the way
inviting smiles
from all about
and openly including
all in what we sing as
One Voice


Ken wrote:

Hey Guys,

My ACIM reading this week is from the last chapter in the text, Chapter 31 -
THE FINAL VISION. And today's reading was the last section in the Text,
Section 8 - Choose Once Again.

I found paragraph 11, the next to last paragraph in the Text, to be
particularly beautiful.

Jesus teaches. "In joyous welcome is my hand outstretched to every brother
who would join with me in reaching past temptation, and who looks with fixed
determination toward the light that shines beyond in perfect constancy. Give
me my own, for they belong to You. And can You fail in what is but Your
Will? I give You thanks for what my brothers are. And as each one elects to
join with me, the song of thanks from earth to Heaven grows from tiny
scattered threads of melody to one inclusive chorus from a world redeemed
from hell, and giving thanks to You."

"I give You thanks for what my brothers are. And as each one elects to join
with me, the song of thanks from earth to Heaven grows from tiny scattered
threads of melody to one inclusive chorus from a world redeemed from hell,
and giving thanks to You."

"...the song of thanks from earth to Heaven grows from tiny scattered
threads of melody to one inclusive chorus from a world redeemed from hell,
and giving thanks to You."


Always My Choice

Always My Choice

i can critically look
at your bodily form
and see all faults
i think i have projected
to remove my guilt
and so still retain
the guilt i feel
---disguised as yours---
or i can look
and only see the love
that is the source of
all that is


"In terms of concepts, it is thus you see him more than just a body, for the
good is never what the body seems to be. The actions of the body are
perceived as coming from the "baser" part of you, and thus of him as well.
By focusing upon the good in him, the body grows decreasingly persistent in
your sight, and will at length be seen as little more than just a shadow
circling round the good. And this will be your concept of yourself, when you
have reached the world beyond the sight your eyes alone can offer you to
see. For you will not interpret what you see without the Aid that God has
given you. And in His sight there another world." (T-31.VII.3)



i meet Myself carrying agendas

of the little self wanting

to be noticed

to be seen

to be liked

to be loved

to shine as the brightest

star in the heavens


I release all these foolish agendas

to be replaced

by my only true agenda

to be with you as you

present yourself to me

---myself in but another form---

communicating is no longer

about little me being

heard by you

or you being heard by me

it is but a clearing of my mind

of little self interest

and noticing what shows up for me

that reveals what is

---the forgotten and denied parts

of my fullest self---

my blessing of these rejected parts

brings peace

brings clearing

allowing the love we are

and have always been

to manifest


leaving all agendas

---yours and mine and old authorities---

to bless and love

what you present to me


Thursday, June 25, 2009



I awoke this morning

to the singing of the birds…

as in most mornings

I allowed myself to hear

the song of love being

sung just for me…

this day

something new happened…

I was one with the song…

I was one with the bird…

I was ONE with everything

I had no body

I was simply the love

that is within all things…


upon realizing I was in a body

I saw that we are all only that…

the love that is within all things

appearing as a body

to experience our Self…

there was no differentiation

between myself and all else…

a realization

that all is “perfect” now

as I bathed in my true form…

the energy of God itself

that is all that is here

in many different forms…

the energy of God itself

experiencing itself

in form…

all is free to be…

all is perfectly innocent…

all is me

and I am the freedom

of love itself…





You cannot intellectually understand

Unconditional Love....

it is only in your conscious choice


that the Grace of understanding

descends upon you

in the same way the lightest rain

gently penetrates

the outer layers of skin....




to make Itself known...

to the one who has chosen

freedom from judgment...

to know Unconditional Love...

make your choice

the choice to allow all

to be as it is...

F E E L...

the ‘opening’ within you

that this ‘choice to allow’ creates...

this ‘opening’ is the effect of

Unconditional Love



the ‘effect’ is a FEELING EXPERIENCE

of Love’s e x p a n s i v e nature

as it flows

thru the physical vehicle


Allow all to be as it is

and you will f e e l

the presence of Love

rising up in you...


if judgment is your choice in any moment

the pain and suffering of ‘hell’

becomes your feeling experience

thru the body-mind...

if...if... you accept this as true....

do you see how...

first and foremost...



Dear one,


and you live the knowing

of Unconditional Love........



and you live the illusion of ‘hell’

which, in truth,

is your belief in separation.....


and you live the belief

that separation from your Father....

your Source... is possible....


dear one,



Sunday, June 21, 2009



In duality i perceive much evil
In duality i perceive much
sickness and suffering
In duality i perceive much death
this i must
as this is part of me in duality
and all i can perceive out there
is what i believe is within me here

to fight against evil, sickness,
suffering and death
is to make them real
is to make them strong
in my consciousness...
more of the same
will show up for me

only 'now' by my blessing
of these mistaken realities
only 'now' knowing the source
behind them all
is my creative power as the divine
only 'now' can i transcend duality
only 'now' can i transcend 'i'
by loving all before me as but
a distorted reflection of Love

this is the 'new now'
this is the only true 'now'
this is the only way
out of the trap of 'i'


--- On Sun, 6/21/09, dan leibert <Acuqidml@yahoo.com> wrote:

The seeking of the Path usually begins for us when we reach that place when we think that life is not quite giving us what we want and, we feel there is more or we need to escape the pain of mess we are living in. Wherever we start from it is from the sense of "I" and that "I" wants something it feels it doesn't have. Yet
mystical teachings usually share one thing in common - the process is one of dissolution of the "I" that seeks to become the "I" or Self we are in Truth. Here is the fundamental paradox of the spiritual search. The "I" that seeks is the the "I" that must go. This problem has come up in many mystical teachings when a teacher is attempting
to free the disciple from the bondage of identification with the "I" we believe is real that isn't. I want to illustrate this problem with a story that comes out of the Hasidic tradition. If one remembers the terminology of "conceit" means the centrality of identification with the ego than I think this story will touch you:

The Baal Shem Tov did not appoint anyone to take his place when he died. Instead, he instructed his Hasidim to
seek out his successor among the teachers of his day.
"But how will we recognize him?" his disciples asked.
"You will ask him this question," the Besht (another name for the Baal Shem Tov) said. "How might one be
rid of conceit?"
"And if he knows the answer, he is our teacher?"
"On the contrary," the Baal Shem Tov said. "Anyone who claims to know how to be free of conceit is a
liar. Conceit comes with having a sense of self, and the self cannot get rid of itself. And thinking otherwise is the
height of conceit."
"Yet," one Hasid said, "is it not true that we are created in the image of God? Do we not reflect the Divine
within ourselves? God is not filled with conceit, so how can we be?"
The Baal Shem Tov replied, "In Psalms we read: `God reigns clothed with majesty. God's `majesty' is in fact
humility, and the Infinite God wears robes of infinite humility. Now it is true that humans mirror God but just as
a mirror reverses what it reflects, so the human world often reverses the godly. Thus, if the humility of God is
infinite, the hubris of humanity is no less so."
When the Baal Shem Tov died and the time of mourning had passed, his senior students went out in search
of his successor. They spoke to many great teachers and saints, and from each one they inquired how they
might remove conceit from their hearts. Each tzaddik (holy sage) offered words of wise counsel. Finally, they
came to Reb (Reb or Rebbe are affectionate terms for rabbi) Pinchas of Korets and posed their question.
The tzaddik shook his head and said, "I, too, stand in fear of this, and I know of no way out."
"This one," the Hasidim said, "is our new rebbe."

Reading from many spiritual paths I, at times, thought that the Path of Liberation consisted of ridding or killing off the Ego. I am a student of the Course In Miracles and it never teaches anything about killing the Ego - only, not making it your teacher and guide. It has a gentle approach of leading from illusion to Truth by
undoing the perceptual beliefs stemming from the Ego. Once we experience God just the way it is then the state of realization takes care of this problem but not because we made it happen. If we try to get rid of the Ego as a step towards realization, what we are doing is strengthening it, as a force in our lives and its illusions will have a stronger hold. For there is no way for the Ego to become enlighten although our journey starts from that point.
What the Baal Shem Tov was pointing to is the same paradox – the Ego experienced in our conceit of relying totally on our own powers, cannot claim the Truth because the Ego would be claiming that it owns the "non-Egoic" state or in other words, the impossible cannot happen. The Ego cannot become enlightened because
the Ego must fall away for us to know our real Self. Like the folk tale of the tar baby, if we try to free ourselves
from the Ego we just get more wrapped up in it. That is why I think the Baal Shem Tov tells his disciples is to
find the teacher who knows the problem (ego identity or conceit) and knows that at the level of the Ego or
dualistic world, you are not going to free yourself of the Ego. The Teacher is one who knows the Truth of this from any tradition.

to love
our self
this is the only way...



have been only that…


to awaken you…

even the “thought”

of Creator and Created

has been a “tool”

to nudge and carry you

until this NOW MOMENT…

as the created

dissolves into



when you take full responsibility

for all of your creations…

you are an eternal creator

of experience

in union

with ME…

there is only one


that is worthy of your glory…

experiencing the “truth”

of your Self

in body…

there is only one bridge

that takes you there…

yes, there are many

variations of this one bridge

yet, they are all

leading to one destination…

this bridge

once walked upon

asks of you to


all other views

are distorted

leading to distortion

in your creations…

you are asked

to “see only love”

in every now moment

so that all your creations

will be a direct reflection

OF YOU!!!!!!


I AM the voice of love






i try to see myself alone
as cause
or you yourself alone
as cause
yet cause without effect
cannot exist
such foolishness
such fatiguing effort
to prevent the truth
that is always true
that we are one with each
and one with God
the cause/effect
of All


"You taught yourself the most unnatural habit of not communicating with your
Creator. 2 Yet you remain in close communication with Him, and with
everything that is within Him, as it is within yourself. 3 Unlearn isolation
through His loving guidance, and learn of all the happy communication that
you have thrown away but could not lose." (T-14.III.18)

I Used to Be Different But Now Am the Same

I Used to Be Different But Now Am the Same

only one problem
the thought of separation
so.... if you are not the same as me
i can put my 'sins' on you
and kill you off
send you away
deny your importance
and think i am saved from my 'sins'.....
a false solution
no solution at all
for the mistaken thought
that we are not the same....
in the only true 'Now' that exists
we are One
the solution to 'sin'
Now becomes to receive it back
allow it to be expressed
thru my feelings
the apparent suffering
they may bring
will dissipate in the light of truth
I and my brother/sister/gods are one
there is no 'sin' in them
so there is no 'sin' in me
I Am Home
I Am Free
I Am Still
as God created me


"Why should his sins be sins, if you did not believe they could not be
forgiven in you? Why are they real in him, if you did not believe that they
are your reality? And why do you attack them everywhere except you hate
yourself? Are a sin? You answer "yes" whenever you attack, for by
attack do you assert that you are guilty, and must give as you deserve. And
what can you deserve but what you are? If you did not believe that you
deserved attack, it never would occur to you to give attack to anyone at
all. Why should you? What would be the gain to you? What could the outcome
be that you would want? And how could murder bring you benefit?"

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The End of Faith, Hope and Charity

The End of Faith, Hope and Charity

When I had faith it was

my refuge from my ig-norance...

Not knowing the truth...

Believing respected authorities

My family

My church

My nation

My tribe

My Gods...

Faith, a way to protect

from evil in my world

Faith, a protective shield of

omnipotence and loving grace,

no longer needed

no longer wanted

Faith discarded as unnecessary…

In its place a knowingness

graced by my willingness to declare

my Oneness with divinity;

my Oneness with ALLTHATIS…

Just my oneness…

No more evil

No more duality

No more Faith is needed to sustain

Just Oneness…

When I had Faith…

the power of God,

an omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent entity,

quite apart…

The best I could call for

was Hope

I was not abandoned

and condemned for many sins…

In this ‘old now’

peace amid conflict was desired

love amid hate was sought

heaven while in hell was my goal…

but only Hope…

no certainty of achievement

was allowed…

In the ‘new now’

does certainty of peace,

love and heaven replace

all hope

just certainty…

innocently creating

whatever shows up for me…

without guilt for whatever is

without blame for its presence

just accepting…

just allowing…

just releasing all…

knowing whatever comes

I freely called for love of Self

from the Love that I Am…

In ‘nows ‘past was I told

by my selected respected authorities

to sacrifice my personal wants…

give to the poor

care for the sick

protect the innocent and weak

attend the dying

bury the dead…

In my ‘new now’

it is soooo so simple…

There can be no sacrifice…

There can be no poor…

There can be no lame and weak…

There can be no sick…

There can be no giving to another…

There can be no dead and dying…

In the ‘new now’ I give

not out of sacrifice and loss

In the ‘new now’

am I generous out of Self interest…

Knowing that all that is given

is given by myself to myself…

The Oneness of All

is the Oneness of Self

How could what is given

by all for all be sacrificed and lost???

The abundance of all

is for me…

All given is for me by me

I now rejoice in

my the joy of abundance…

Freely giving all to all to have all


dear one....
you have soooooo freely given
to yourself from your Self...
as you have continually given
to all
(of your self)
you have given to ME
for I AM THAT ONE...
the "highest aspect"
of you....
I have experienced your giving
as you have given freely...
your "account" is full
within ME...
you have given all of your self
to your Self...
now, respite...
now, a longing to "re-ceive"
well, my beloved brother
you are the one who has received
all you have given...
for you have re-membered all knowledge
and all truth...
there is nothing else
to re-ceive.
but this moment...
you are loved oh, oh, oh
so dearly...
the voice of love
you indeed!!!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I Fool Myself

I Fool Myself

by thinking i have excused
myself from guilt
and then i see
some wrong in you
and try to correct
to regain a sense of
freedom from constraint

a funny game i play
all i can do is pray
that true guiltelessness
will come some day
and all correcting
of what is
will have had its day


"Perhaps you are accustomed to using guiltlessness merely to offset the pain
of guilt, and do not look upon it as having value in itself. You believe
that guilt and guiltlessness are both of value, each representing an escape
from what the other does not offer you. You do not want either alone, for
without both you do not see yourself as whole and therefore happy. Yet you
are whole only in your guiltlessness, and only in your guiltlessness can you
be happy. There is no conflict here. To wish for guilt in any way, in any
form, will lose appreciation of the value of your guiltlessness, and push it
from your sight." (T-14.III.2)

Jeffrey added;

Precious Sweet Beloved Friend

Before an innocent child lost prays

Old tears well up from guilty ways

After experience prays ancient ways

Innocence changes the way we pray

Believing again is what can move us

Inspiration from friends that love us

Forgiveness thread is what weaves us

Letting go is the love never leaves us

When thank you origin forms motive

The idea of the good flowing pleases

Continual ideas are love flowing within

Grinning friends come grateful without

Love in an inner child singing truth

Enlightens the willing way humble

What activates every innocent cell

Youth's idea from ancient wisdom

What a fun funny way to say I love you

What thanks you for showing me me

What comes from our own well being

Becomes the same as me and loving you

Sunday, June 14, 2009

My Wife Asked Me

My Wife Asked Me

to write out all the ways
i would like her to change...
wanting to please her
and respond to her request
all i could ask for was
for her to be true to herself
to feel what she feels
to think what she thinks
to allow all to be the way it is
to release all fear and guilt
by acknowledging it
allowing it and watching it
dissipate into the nothingness
that is its source...
in doing this for herself
she does it for me
as we are One
and the At-one-ment
lives in the truth,
the beauty of us all


"We are all joined in the Atonement here, and nothing else can unite us in
this world. So will the world of separation slip away, and full
communication be restored between the Father and the Son. The miracle
acknowledges the guiltlessness that must have been denied to produce the
need of healing. Do not withhold this glad acknowledgment, for hope of
happiness and release from suffering of every kind lie in it. Who is there
but wishes to be free of pain? He may not yet have learned how to exchange
guilt for innocence, nor realize that only in this exchange can freedom from
pain be his. Yet those who have failed to learn need teaching, not attack.
To attack those who have need of teaching is to fail to learn from them."