Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Observer

How can any experience be rich and quiet at the same time

In being the Observer of what we see/hear/smell/ feel/etc. ...what we created with our freedom, our Heart shows us the beauty and Oneness in Everything. If we aren't taking the time to fully take in everything around us in quietness at least once in a while, we are not giving our Heart the chance to respond. We then celebrate what we think we see based on past experience.. .instead of what is Real in the given moment. Part of Oneness is listing with our Heart, Seeing with our Heart, Feeling with our Heart, Breathing with our Heart, and finally, Knowing that we are our Heart and everything in our Awareness. Then...we come to know how rich We Are.

I'm off to the beach now...to practice this:)


Well...I was on my way to the beach in a round-about- way in my car. I heard a song that I listen to all the time on my CD mix. It is from a CD that i think my parent's had when i was young. There is one song on the CD that I played over and over and over and over again because I felt it was so Truthful and helped my feel so Rich. Both then...and now. I drove back home because I think it is helpful to Ken's message. Here is is:

http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=tLIvLWLfaoY

You might have to copy and past the link. It is called Beggar on a Beach of God by Mike and the Mechanics. Funny that I was on my way to the beach when I thought to come back and share it with you. Now I'm going. Listen if you wish. But listen with your Heart.


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