Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I Just Got Straitened Out

So, beautiful souls...
now i have been given the answer.........
THE NEW NOW is the name of the book we will co-author...
and perfect Michael, for that is the name of your blog....
and you will continue to put it into form as you always have...
(that is firm).....(haha)
i do have a feeling there will be some practices regarding conscious creating...
i think we will do them and experience them and of course share our,
this is all i know now, i hope this is good with both of you...anne, let me know
for this will not be as quick as the other books and that will give you some time for you...
i am to continue writing A NEW NOW,(web site) WHICH will be more for the masses...
so, now i feel free to continue with it....i was once again feeling very stuck
all the pieces had to come together for me, of course, in love's time...not mine....
so, Michael, is this good with you???
i am going to go to a unity church here close to my new residence this weekend
and take some of our books.................we shall see!!!!

Dearest denisa,

you must at some level
know this
i trust your inspiration
a part of the loneliness
i have been feeling
is the silence of
your communication
and the quietness
of jeshua energies
coming thru you to us all
they enjoy and enjoin me
to heights of beauty and truth
your word and image symbols
ring so true
without them i feel blue
my own alone seem empty
without the sounds you hear
and share with wide and near
so happily i join again with you
and anne and any willing
to partake of energies
derived from the sacred heart of love
called forth by jeshua's magnetic field
of melding energies


1 comment:

  1. oh michael...
    what a lovely message...i too have been lonely without the words flowing...
    this has been a time of much inner contemplation and listening...
    i know there comes a time when we are to walk the walk and allow the words
    to fade as they are only symbols of thought...yet, i too have so missed our
    sharing of the love............
    so, as soon as they start again, i will send them along...
    i liked the one today -co-motion-
    i am so honored to have your beautiful presence here with me...
    yes, i know you truly do trust these words and you have allowed me to witness
    that knowingness over and over are the most beautiful servant of love
    and your words have taken me to many places of knowing what love truly is
    that i would have never realized without you....know this to be true...
    i love you..........denisa
