Monday, May 18, 2009

My Choice in the New Now

My Choice

in the olden times of duality:

the fear of illness
the fear of pain
the fear of death
had manifested
much cancer
for me

my choice in nature's
make believe
to falsify myself
thru fear's unrealities
yet seemingly so real

in 'NewNow'

i choose again
my true self
blessing all my
of cancer
in my body
in the world
allowing them to be
a vehicle to discern
with trust
Love pervading all
Love eternal
Love needing no defense

cancer is gone
no longer needed
Love can find its way alone
expressed without delay
without a need
to hide from prey


ACIM Workbook Lesson 137
"When I am healed I am not healed alone.

Sickness would prove that lies must be the truth. But healing
demonstrates that truth is true. The separation sickness would impose
has never really happened. To be healed is merely to accept what
always was the simple truth, and always will remain exactly as it has
forever been. Yet eyes accustomed to illusions must be shown that what
they look upon is false. So healing, never needed by truth, must
demonstrate that sickness is not real. . . . Those who heal become the
instruments of healing."


you believe yourself to be the body…

you have believed that you have

no control over the happenings of your

very life, your experience of life itself…

this, my dear heart

is not the truth…

you absolutely do have control

over your “experience” of it

by your very choice to

see with the singular eye…

the eye of the heart

which sees only love as the essence

in all things….

no exceptions!!!!

you are magnificent creators…

you have been sleeping,

forgetting your powers

“so to say”….

Consciousness itself is all that

truly exists wherever you find

yourself to be…

you think you see forms with your

earthly eyes

but there is nothing here

but consciousness

coalesced into form…

what fuels the forms is

“your beliefs”

Consciousness itself asks that you

would see only love

so that it can bring you

that very experience…

as a grand divine creator

the balance of male and female

in one

you simply desire love to

bring you all good things…

you “wait on love”

to manifest it for you…

you have been the takers…

taking from your self

by your beliefs…

taking instead of allowing…

doing instead of being…

putting the thoughts of the world first

and love last…

consciousness brings to you

exactly what you would

ask of it…

if you see lack in yourself

or another (you)

you will experience it….

if you judge another

you will experience judgment…

if you love your self so deeply

that you remember the beauty

of your essence

you will experience others

who see that within you…

then, does not it make sense to you

that if you “see only love”

you will begin to experience

only that???

ponder this deeply

my beloved…

this is your new now…

it has always been so

desire only love…

see only love…

allow love itself

to manifest those experiences

for you…

then, thank this love

that waits on your welcome…

be ever so grateful

for its presence

and its unending and patient love…

love itself

is here in service

to YOU….


with oh so much love

The voice of love



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