Friday, September 4, 2009


it is time .........dear precious one
my beloved
all of you are the beloved
you are the grandest of angels
ever known
forgetting this is so
because your body has
seemingly shown you that
this is true...
it is time to expand.......dear precious one
have you noticed that as you expand
by letting go of all beliefs
that the "things" around you become smaller???
you have reversed the mirror...
now you are simply witnessing
divided parts of the whole...
yet you are the whole...
you feel your grandness...
you feel yourself to be that which you are...
you are the field of love
through which all things
spring forth...
all of creation exists
because of "you"....
it is here in honor of "you"
expand your sense of self
by letting go of all limiting beliefs
that have held you captive...
they are all illusions....
open your wings.....allow them
to encompass all that "you are"
instead of allowing what you thought
you were
to limit you.........
breathe unlimited ness...
drench yourself in the truth
of that which you are....
light your inner candle once again
with a match that
only need be used one time....
you are the match
that lights the candle
the eternal flame of love
that has always been there
you are the light that shares itself
with all of creation
it is a light that no wind...
no rain
could ever diminish...

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