Monday, September 21, 2009



~therefore ~  

the financial “change” is perfection

If we want to become true “be-ings”……………we must “be”…

Money is neither good nor bad……….it simply is energy like all else…

Yet for eons it has been an energy of exchange………exchange itself
is a dualistic concept………….in the “real world” there is no
exchange necessary to have what is desired….all is already there….

In truth……………all is already here for us NOW…
however….it is necessary for us to detach from the material world
so that we can once again remember the real world within……..that
place within us where all that is “real” exists now…………what is necessary
to dissolve this illusion is to withdraw our attachment to it….
Yes….we must release within ourselves our “attachment” to having what
we think is necessary for us to “be”…

Love itself knows what is needed for each and everyone of us walking
this path back to our source….
Love is the voice that answers when you ask………….
What if not having any golden coins one day is as perfect as having
many the next………….what if that day when there seem to be no golden
coins is a day for you to extend love…………a day to take a walk in nature…
a day to go deep within and bless all of creation…
Yes………..can we be grateful for those days as much as we are grateful
for the days the coins show up……………this is the walk of the master…
it is not about learning how to manifest homes…….cars……..and all the rest…
yes…….you can put your attention “there” and you will manifest those things…
of course you will…………you are the creator….

Yet we ask of you……… “what is it that you truly want to create”?…..
What are you here to create in this embodiment???
Well… for most of us we know that it is our purpose to bring love to duality…
home to separation………….and we are doing this “within ourselves”
for there is in truth “no-where” else….

It is not about saving another………it is not about giving up all your coins
to feed another…………………for there would be no other to feed
if you yourself were truly “fed”…………….for… “everyone is you”….

So………..when you truly take on responsibility for your own creation…
then you walk as the masters……….for in truth… are simply remembering
that the Master is who you have always been…………..yes…you have simply forgotten…

This one whom I blend with has given me her “life”…………..
surrendered her very physical and mental and emotional self to love…
She has lived many days with no golden coins………..and many with….

These last few “years” in your terms she has lived many days without….
yet I say unto you…………….SHE HAS LIVED…..


she knows that there will never be a day in this life where she will
not have that which is needed…………….
for you see………… is an illusion…………..
yet her divinity………..her beauty……………her god/dess/ness
is eternal………………… from that place….

Once again………………..  live from that place………
that place of knowing your divinity………………..yes….live from that knowingness…

Become one with the source of all things that abides right in the
center of all things…………..
Please drop the boundaries of limitedness that you have placed upon
yourselves in error……..
you are unlimited now……………………..and my dear one’s
there is only THE ETERNAL NOW…..

……………….A POINT OF AWARENESS…  that is what you are….
you are a “point of awareness” within the whole of God…..and all
that God is exists within you at the same now moment………….

These financial changes………………for that is what they are….yes indeed.
they are changes………..they are not a “crisis”………..crisis means
that something can be “wrong”………………no my dear one….
all is ………….ALL ISSSS…..ALL IS !!!!!

it simply is………………therefore if all is god then all that is…
is god……………perfection………..

You are experiencing this change so that all of “you” can become
one with what is real once again……………..what is real
is the heart………….is love………….is joy…… happiness…
Do you really believe that having a world with those who have
and those who have not is a world that reflects the truth and the
beauty of that which you are?????????????????
of course not………….so allow…..allow dear ones….allow all
to be as it is………….flow with the change……..bless the change….
love the change……….for to resist it is to make it real for you….
and in truth…… is not………………..

Yet the end result will bring to you that which is “real”….

You are all a magical part of the grandest version of you
being birthed into “this world”…..

simply allow it and bless it………

Come within more often and sit at my breast and allow me to nurture you…
allow me to remind you of the golden light that surrounds you
in every moment…………..that golden light is my love
that encapsulates you………it breathes you….it walks with you….
it talks with you…….it flows from within you and touches all….”all”
around you…………….

We are one grand …………vast………………eternal   “flame”

Once you reignite this flame of union…………you simply
watch the perfect dance………………yes…………you observe
the perfect tapestry…………and all I ask of you is to
bless it………….not to resist it……..not to judge it….not to fear it…
to love it………………………embrace it……………
become it…………………… one with it………….for all of it
IS YOU……………………………….



peace……..peace this day
dear heart

jeshua & denisa
blended as one………….

Thank you

i feel the comfort
in your words
i feel the love
in your words
i feel the care
in your words
all pointing
to my fullest self
the self of love
the self of giving
so that all may
be received by all

Thank you
for the lighthouse
you provide
to guide me
from the rocky shore
to the port of calm and safety

Thank you
for the words
which point and light
my way to home



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